Cockroaches and Ants How to Get Rid of Them Naturally
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Cockroaches and Ants How to Get Rid of Them Naturally

Summers are on; and so are the pool floats and cool drinks! However, there is one more thing that is at its peak during summers. Yeah! We are talking about those uninvited guests only! Love them or not, they are definitely going to enter your kitchen, infect your food items and roam all over the house like they own it. Among all the other pests, it is cockroaches and ants that irritate the most and are the most common ones. Only cockroaches are going to survive the apocalypse, they say. And, it's true! Look at those creepy crawlers; they can literally survive anything.
, but there are other options too. If your house is not yet infested, and you want to avoid these pests while keeping it natural, this blog is for you. However, we do not guarantee results as nothing can match a professional cockroach or ants pest control in Sharjah and Dubai . You can still get benefitted by these useful natural remedies in case they have just started reaching your home. You can also use these tricks as preventive remedies against such pests. So, here you go:
Use Cinnamon
What can be worse than waking up someday and finding ants crawling all over your kitchen? These tiny creatures dare to enter homes when the weather is harsh outside and they are one of the most stubborn ones. But don't worry. Each problem has got a solution. It's just that you have to come out of your comfort zone and look for it. Let us help you with that. Sprinkle some
cinnamon in your kitchen area and all around your house. It is a great way to keep ants away. And not just ants, the remedy works well for cockroaches as well. In case, you don't get results, you should look for a professional ants pest control in Sharjah and Dubai UAE .
Try Powdered Sugar & Boric Acid
Kill them with kindness! You must be aware of roaches' love for sugar. Use this fact to eliminate them this time. Use sugar as a lure and trap them in a situation which they can't escape from. Boric acid and powdered sugar make a deadly combination. The sugar acts as a lure for cockroaches and boric acid kills them. However, you should keep this solution out of reach of the little fingers. Though boric acid is not harmful to humans and pets, it may be irritating.
Seek Help From Cucumbers
Another trick is using cucumbers to keep cockroaches and ants away. You should cut a cucumber in slices and place these slices on all the possible entries. Cockroaches and ants hate the fragrance of cucumber. So, by placing them on the entry points, you can effectively stop these pests from entering your house. Also, cucumbers cause no harm to your kids and pests. In case, this remedy doesn't work for you, you know what to do next. Reach a pest control company for cockroaches pest control in Sharjah and Dubai UAE!

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