Precautions after pest control service
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Precautions after pest control service

Properties are prone to fall victim to uninvited guests that reside in the house materials for years causing immense damage. Cockroaches, rats, mosquitoes, termites’ infestation is common across households forcing people to acquire pest control services Dubai to minimize the threat to property and life. These small creatures not only invade your house to nestle the houses but also cause severe damage to your valuables such as furniture, food, documents, walls, etc. In severe infestation, they also pose threat to life such as mosquitoes that are known to be the carrier of many life-threatening viruses. The pest control companies make use of specific toxic sprays depending on the nature of the pests and their intensity. Since, pests are tiny creatures and remain hidden behind or beneath surface, the pest control companies Dubai use extensive spraying techniques to ensure that the spray has targeted its victim effectively leaving no remains behind. They aim to cover every corner and nook of the house to thoroughly clean the house. While a disinfected house and clean house is a blessing for residents, they have to be cautious before moving in soon after the disinfection.

1. Follow Instructions
The service company might give you some instructions and guidelines which are necessary to be fulfilled to address safety concerns. Never ignore what the infestation company advises you to do.
2. Let it Dry
The pest control companies advise to not open the closed doors for some hours after infestation spray. In case you find strains of liquid inside the house, let it dry completely.
3. Wear a mask
The toxic fumes are likely to stay in the air for some time after the spray. To avoid allergies and effects on breathing, wear a mask in the house for a day. If possible, use sunglasses as well. In case if you catch rashes or allergies on the skin, don’t hesitate to consult a health practitioner.
4. Ventilate
If the disinfection process has been completed, open the doors and windows to let the fresh air come in. The fresh air will dry the pesticide residue quickly.
5. Wash utensils
Even though the experts make sure not to spray on utensils or food items and keep them stored in safe places, there is a possibility that the fumes may reside on the food items or utensils that are left in open. It is strongly advised to do not use the utensils without washing them properly.
6. Avoid Cleaning
Avoid cleaning your home immediately after the disinfection spray as it is likely to diminish the effects of the pesticides. Follow the instructions of the service provider in this regard.
7. Do not temper the traps
The pest control services Dubai apply pesticides in certain ways depending on the nature of the infestation. At times they leave behind some traps or liquid intentionally to achieve better results. Do not temper the traps and leave them as they are.

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